a form of monogamy characterized by several successive, short-term marriages over the course of a lifetime.
Serial Monogamy Sociology Definition
Serial monogamy meaning: the fact or custom of having a number of sexual relationships one after another, but never more. Aug 18, 2013 Definition of Serial Monogamy ( noun ) Having only one monogamous relationship at a time, but multiple partners throughout a lifetime due to death, divorce, or choice. (Adult emperors practice serial monogamy, and usually form a new pair bond every breeding season.) Also, some scientists believe that monogamy may have evolved in some species because their young can be cared for by both of their parents. Find solaris version command. Such species include bird species whose young survive on food brought to them by both of their parents.
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Examples of Monogamy in a sentence. When my husband and I got married, we took a vow of monogamy. Spenser left the religious cult because it forbade monogamy and insisted that all men have multiple wives. Monogamy definition: Monogamy is used to refer to the state or custom of having a sexual relationship with. Meaning, pronunciation, translations and examples.
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Origin of serial monogamy UnabridgedBased on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2019
British Dictionary definitions forserial monogamy
Serial Monogamy Examples List
the practice of having a number of long-term romantic or sexual partners in succession
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